30 april 2009

Grieco House....

Andover, Massachusetts, Marcel Breuer, 1954

More from Charles R. Colbert....

Motel de Ville, 3800 Tulane Avenue, New Orleans, Charles R. Colbert 1953

...unfortunately, another piece of excellent modernism....demolished !

Complesso Termale....

Carlton Hills Lutheran Church....

Robert Des Lauriers, 1960

29 april 2009

Borneo Island....

Amsterdam, 90`s

Jan Frederik Staal....

Staalcoenenstraat 1, Amsterdam,1923

Hendrikus Theodorus Wijdeveld....

Amsterdam, 1927

28 april 2009


Amsterdam, (late 60`s ?)

"Inventing" houses is not a job....

Joordan, Amsterdam, (pict. 2009)

..it’s a privilege !

27 april 2009

John Ekin Dinwiddie....

San Francisco, Pacific Heights, Roos House, 1938

The Langen Foundation in Neuss....

Tadao Ando, 2004

26 april 2009

José Cadilhe & Fontoura....

Primary School Canteen in Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal, 2007

University of Aarhus....

Henning Larsen Architects, 1995


Dasch Zürn von Scholley Freie Architekten, Stuttgart, 2000

25 april 2009

If You have the money....

20 x 20 House, Santiago, Assadi - Pulido, 2005
....they provide the talent....

Arade Congress Centre....

Algarve, Portugal, Miguel Arruda Arquitectos, 2006

Water villa`s....

Almere, Holland, UNStudio, 2001

24 april 2009

Attention Carl Gustav...!

The egg, developed for the lobby and reception areas at the Royal Hotel in Copenhagen, designed by Arne Jacobsen in 1958.

..this chair is a delight for your eye, but it will dig a large hole in your wallet….and give you some pain in your back!

Cedar Park House....

....by architect Peter Cohan, and the Y-chairs (CH 24) designed by Hans J. Wegner,1950

Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery 1969....

Mutual Benefit Life Plaza 1968....

Wong - Pereira Associates

23 april 2009

April....in Sweden

Vitsippa (Anemone nemorosa)

Twin Palms late 40`s....

The Sinatra House, Palm Springs, E. Stewart Williams
....guess why this place is called Twin Palms ?

22 april 2009

Felipe Assadi e Francisca Pulido....

Casa Gatica, Rancagua, Chile, 2006

Old....and new!

Hoogte Kadijk, Amsterdam, Claus en Kaan Architecten, 1998

21 april 2009

Hamilton House....1991

Vaucluse, Sydney, Harry Seidler and Associates

The 1928 Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam....

2 de Maio de 1962, Benfica - Real Madrid, (5-3)

....since that day even the window frames remained red !
..designed by Jan Wils.

20 april 2009

House dreams for filmmakers....

Vandamm House, by MGM for "North by Northwest" directed by Alfred Hitchcock, 1959.

Union 76....

Beverly Hills, 1965, Gin Wong - William L. Pereira

Peter Behrens....

Terrassenhaus, Stuttgart, 1926

De La Warr Pavilion....

Erich Mendelsohn and Serge Chermayeff, Bexhill-on-Sea, Sussex, 1933–1935

Koerfer House....

Marcel Breuer and Herbert Beckhard, Switzerland, 1967

Rådhuset....(court house)

Gunnar Asplund, Göteborg, 1935-37


Arne Jacobsen, Copenhagen, 1934

19 april 2009

The Ara Pacis Museum....

I have no complains about this building....

but...was the the centre of Rome the right place ?

...Richard Meier, Roma, 2006....