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Visar inlägg med etikett 70`s. Visa alla inlägg

20 februari 2025

Miguel Lyzarro....

Nascido em Portimão em 1950, Miguel Lyzarro (José Manuel dos Santos ?) começou a sua formação com cerca de 16 anos em Lisboa no Centro de Estudos de Bailado do Instituto de Alta Cultura, na altura dirigido pela professora inglesa Ana Ivanova. Realizou ainda estudos no Centro Internacional de Dança de Rosella Hightower, em Cannes. Fez parte dos elencos do Ballet Gulbenkian, Ballet do Teatro Graslin de Nantes, Ballets Classiques de Paris e Jeune Ballet de France-Côte D`Azur. Ingressou como primeira figura na Companhia Nacional de Bailado em 1978.
Foi artista convidado de Alicia Alonso no Festival Internacional de Havana em 1982. Gravou com Maria José Branco para a Rádio e Televisão Portuguesa (RTP) no início da década de 1980, os bailados La Sylphide, Romeu e Julieta e Festival das Flores.
O seu reportório abrangia, para além dos clássicos. O "Oportunista" de A Mesa Verde, o "Cisne" de Carmina Burana, o "Jovem de Ramificações" ou o "Eleito" de A Sagração da Primavera. Miguel Lyzarro desempenhava as suas personagens de uma forma e presença artística ao mais alto nível.
Foi professor convidado na Escola de Dança do Conservatório Nacional nos finais da década de 1980 e princípios de 1990 até ao seu falecimento. 
Miguel Lyzarro foi durante as décadas de 1970-1980 um dos bailarinos portugueses mais proeminentes e para além da sua actividade profissional, escreveu alguns notáveis artigos sobre dança.
A 10 de Novembro de 1996 Miguel Lyzarro falecia em Sintra vítima de ataque cardíaco fulminante.
Foi homenageado postumamente e conjuntamente com Maria José Branco em Novembro de 2010 no Teatro de São Carlos na altura da nova estreia de La Sylphide.
Um pouco mais aqui ....

01 februari 2025

Una giornata particolare....

90 years later the collective lobotomy is gaining terrain....again. Who could guess that in 1977...?

04 januari 2025


"20th Century Women"

Late 70`s....another era with more simplicity. For some reason, it was the fourth time I saw this pearl. A great film (and acting) ☀️

20 november 2024

Restaurante Bota Alta....

 ..once at Travessa da Queimada, 37. Opened in 1976 and closed in December 2023.

11 november 2024


..the bigger stage is gone (left some marks on the floor)....and so all the great concerts. So empty these days 😢

10 oktober 2024

28 april 2024

27 april 2024

Border crossing....

The border between East and West Berlin here at Friedrichstrasse. Checkpoint Charlie is just a few meters south. On the upper side of the photo are the two entrances to the U-Bahn (Stadtmitte), and the crossing with Leipziger Strasse. Due to the cars in the photo....probably early 1960s (?). 

08 december 2023

"riders on the storm"....

The recording of LA Woman in December 1970 at The Doors Office on Santa Monica Blvd. The boys seem to attend a funeral rather than being in the process of creating some of their best songs. Photo: Wendel Hamick

After reading the biographies of the three surviving Doors in a short time, I have to wonder if they forgot to have fun while the train rushed away ? One can discern a certain playfulness and pleasure around 1965 when Manzarek and Morrison lived together on Frazer Av. (Venice). After that, there is most hard work (and trouble) during the incomparable creative process that they went through the next few years. But joy .... is just not there (or so they forgot to write about it ?). Densmore`s book is like a letter of reconciliation; "and a little sad that I did not really understand what was going on ... then". What you get from all three books (and they actually complement each other), is a very good picture of who Morrison was; an enormously talented and tormented young man, whose legacy is still as relevant today ....

Jim....he would have been 80 today.

10 november 2023

Remembering Miguel Lyzarro, 1950 - 1996 in an RTP interview from February 1975

He started his dance training at the age of 16 and became, during the 1970's and 1980's, one of Portugal's most prominent ballet dancers. Privately, Miguel was the most gentle, sensitive and educated person. Sadly...he left this world so early.

11 september 2023

11 September 1973....

Santiago de Chile....a sad day

23 april 2023

11 mars 2023

In terms of color and nuances....

..our present time is just boring.