Visar inlägg med etikett 2012. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett 2012. Visa alla inlägg

25 juli 2023


 ..beautiful city

11 maj 2023

05 september 2020

22 augusti 2015


Mads Mikkelsen

Thomas Vinterberg turning the lamp towards (convenient) collective brainwashing....

21 februari 2015

The broken circle breakdown....

Johan Heldenbergh and Veerle Baetens

Enjoy while it lasts. Life can change direction without a choice, and one day we have to face the rear of the train while it disappears in the never come back. Great performances from the two above, and that last scene is heartbreaking....and unforgettable.

A film by Felix van Groeningen, IMDB

26 april 2013


Göteborg, 2012

20 mars 2013


Hököpinge, 2012, by Nils Johansson, Tage Møller Arkitektbyrå

08 januari 2013


photo: Nela

05 januari 2013

The Dean Gallery....

..and the best WC in Edinburgh

The Bletchley Circle....

Anna Maxwell Martin, Rachael Stirling, Sophie Rundle and Julie Graham

"The Bletchley Circle follows the journey of four ordinary women with extraordinary skills that helped to end World War II. Set in 1952, Susan, Millie, Lucy and Jean have returned to their normal lives, modestly setting aside the part they played in producing crucial intelligence, which helped the Allies to victory and shortened the war.
When Susan discovers a hidden code behind an unsolved murder she is met by skepticism from the police. She quickly realises she can only begin to crack the murders and bring the culprit to justice with her former friends. The Bletchley Circle paints a vivid portrait of post-war Britain in this fictional tale of unsung heroes."


British entertainment....and high quality as usual.

31 december 2012

The best "Bolo Rei" in Scandinavia....

..and Port wine

Bairro Alto.... night


..and a Better New Year to all !!!!

29 december 2012

The train from Madrid arrives at 21h40....

Santa Apolónia Station....some time for reflection

28 december 2012

Costa do Sol....

Regina, and Estoril....very good indeed after 3600 km !

23 december 2012


..but what is it ?

19 december 2012

Cassiano Branco....and SAAB

But "instalações provisórias" became...."últimas instalações"

14 december 2012

"Dom över död man" (The Last Sentence)

Torgny Segerstedt, 1876-1945

Jesper Christensen and Pernilla August

A film by Jan Troell about one of the twentieth century's most courageous swedes....