Visar inlägg med etikett The Doors. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett The Doors. Visa alla inlägg

08 december 2023

"riders on the storm"....

The recording of LA Woman in December 1970 at The Doors Office on Santa Monica Blvd. The boys seem to be attending a funeral rather than being in the process of creating some of their best songs. Photo: Wendel Hamick

After reading the biographies of the three surviving Doors in a short time, I have to wonder if they forgot to have fun while the train rushed away ? One can discern a certain playfulness and pleasure around 1965 when Manzarek and Morrison lived together on Frazer Av. (Venice). After that, there is most hard work (and trouble) during the incomparable creative process that they went through the next few years. But joy .... is just not there (or so they forgot to write about it ?). Densmore`s book is like a letter of reconciliation; "and a little sad that I did not really understand what was going on ... then". What you get from all three books (and they actually complement each other), is a very good picture of who Morrison was; an enormously talented and tormented young man, whose legacy is still as relevant today ....

Jim....he would have been 80 today.

26 september 2022

Room 32....

I am a guide to the labyrinth
Come & see me
in the green hotel
Rm. 32
I will be there after 9:30 P.M.

04 februari 2022

Set the night on fire....

If you ever wondered about the true essence of Jim Morrison....this is about the closest you will ever get. Memories are retold with simplicity and honesty about James Douglas; the rebel without the bullshit. So many Doors we never got to see....

05 november 2021

The Doors at the Hollywood Bowl, 1968....

..a special band, sometimes - just brilliant

03 juli 2021

Forever a short journey

"I`am not denying that I`ve had a good time these last three or four years and met a lot of interesting people and seen a lot of things in a short space of time that I probably wouldn`t have run into in twenty years of living. So I can`t say that I regret it, [but] if I had to do it over again I think I would have gone more for the quiet underdemonstrative little artist plodding away in his own garden."

 Salli Stevenson interview with Jim Morrison , 13-10-1970

18 juni 2021

Morrison Hotel Sessions....

..Roadhouse Blues on side two....just superb !!

19 april 2021

L.A. Woman....

The Doors final masterpiece. Released this day....50 years ago.

09 februari 2020

20 december 2019

The Doors Live at The Isle of Wight Festival 1970....

..a new release (!) with a brilliant A-side. After that, four more
live performances were left, and then....the Doors were closed.

27 februari 2019

07 november 2016

Sorry....50 years to late, again !!

Whisky a Go Go on Sunset Boulevard, 1966

..and 2016

10 oktober 2016

17 maj 2012

"Love Street"....

Laurel Canyon, 8021 Rothdell Trail , anno 1922

Recently badly damaged by an arson....but I could take a vacation in the neighborhood !

03 juli 2011

Jim Morrison

December 8, 1943 – July 3, 1971

Life is so short....and death is so long. How was the other side, Jim ?