Visar inlägg med etikett Farm Security Administration. Visa alla inlägg
Visar inlägg med etikett Farm Security Administration. Visa alla inlägg

22 december 2019

Happy Christmas....

Mother of a family of nine living in a field on U.S. Route 70, near the Tennessee River. Photo taken in March 1936 by Carl Mydans, Farm Security Administration.

A reality still in many places around our globe. So many advances, but poverty and war, are still humanity`s eternal companions. It was like that in 1836, 1936 or 2019.... 

23 december 2016

80 years passed....but for many nothing has changed

Christmas dinner in 1936 at the home of Earl Pauley near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner consists of potatoes, cabbage and pie. Photo by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration. This was probably one of the better meals of the year....

Merry Christmas to you all !

24 december 2012

Merry Christmas....

photo: Dorothea Lange, California, 1930`s