31 juli 2009

A masterpiece....

Lisbon Lounge....
TWA Flight Center, Idlewild Airport (JFK), New York, Eero Saarinen, 1962

30 juli 2009


FJ 49, Finn Juhl, 1949

29 juli 2009

27 juli 2009

This house can be demolished....

Rua de Alcolena 28, Lisbon, António Varela and Almada Negreiros (panels), 1955

Finlandia Hall....

....but the use of thin Carrara marble slabs became a technical disaster (the slabs tended to curve).

Helsinki, Aalvar Aalto, 1971

26 juli 2009

Off-grid IT HOUSE....

Pioneertown, California, by taalmankoch, 2007

Segel House....

Pacific Coast Highway, Malibu, John Lautner, 1979

25 juli 2009

Hans Westman....

Villa Westman, Lund, 1939


Göteborg, Ragnar Ossian Swensson, 1935

Paul Hedqvist....

Ålstensgatan, Stockholm, 1933

Clarion Hotel Sign....

Stockholm, Wingårdh Arkitekkontor, 2008

Villa Fjolle (Spies)....

The futuristic summerhouse of Simon Spies at Torö, Staffan Berglund, 1969 (the table and chairs in the middle could be elevated)

Sarasota's Riverview High School....

Florida, Paul Rudolph, 1958

24 juli 2009

David McGlashan....

Heide House, Melbourne, 1963

23 juli 2009

Cascais....early 60`s

Photo stolen from Dona T

Centre pour le Bien-être des Femmes....

Burkina Faso, FAREstudio, 2007
....simplicity and the understanding of local needs and traditions. A worthy winner of World Architecture Festival Awards (health category) 2008

Avram villa....


Villa Laila....

Cohans`s villa....

Asmara....a place to visit !

22 juli 2009

Cinema Impero....

Asmara, 1937

21 juli 2009

Cinema Roma....

Asmara, Eritrea, (1930`s ?)

H.L. Shah....

St. Peter's Church, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1962

20 juli 2009

Anthony Almeida....

Central Library, Maktaba Kuu Ya, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1967

Modernism in Africa....

Asmara, Eritrea, Fiat Tagliero Building by Giuseppe Pettazzi,1938
"As Peter Cachola-Schmal, director of the Deutsches Architektur Museum (DAM) hosting the exhibition Asmara: Afrikas heimliche Hauptstadt der Moderne in Frankfurt rather cynically remarks in his foreword to Asmara: The frozen City: "poverty is the best conservation tool".
Krakow and Havana are two other examples of the relation between lacks of money, and preservation of the built heritage....

18 juli 2009

Washington Dulles International Airport....

Eero Saarinen, 1962

Kunsten - Museum of modern Art Aalborg....

Designed by Elissa and Alvar Aalto and Jean-Jacques Baruël, 1972

Le Corbusier....

Villa Stein, Garches, 1927

17 juli 2009

Palácio do Planalto....

Brasilia, Oscar Niemayer, 1958

16 juli 2009

Léon Stynen....

British Petroleum Building in Antwerp, 1963
....a suspended piece of excellent architecture.

14 juli 2009


den 14 juli 2007....

12 juli 2009

Juan O'Gorman....

The houses of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo in Mexico city, 1930

Palm Springs, 1971....

Merrill Lynch Building by Donald Wexler