29 september 2010

The Bubble House....

Vaisons-la-Romaine, 1970`s, by Christian Chambon

Sinay House....

Beverly Hills, 1947, by Richard Neutra

27 september 2010

Bridge House....

Billabong, Australia, 2008, by Max Pritchard

26 september 2010

Bark Studio....

Noosa Heads, Queensland, 2008, by Barkdesign

25 september 2010

If I had a time machine....

Hotel Astoria, Trondheim, 1960, by Verner Panton
Thanks SQUARE1....

24 september 2010

Casa del Puente....

Mar del Plata, 1946, by Amancio Williams (click to enlarge)
This marvelous house as been classified since 1989 as a Monumento Histórico Nacional, and, as so, I presume it should be under the protection of Argentinian law (!?)
Another very sad example of the Argentinian laissez-faire, is the former Club Ariston (also in Mar del Plata), by Marcel Breuer, Eduardo Catalano and Francisco Coire.
Here you can find the rest of the (sad) story.

23 september 2010

Park Atlantis....

De Haan, 1969, by Jaminin Associés

Aurland....WC !

2006, by Todd Saunders and Tommie Wilhelmsen
Not bad for a....toilet ! Unfortunately, it is very rare to see a new dry stone wall built with knowledge and quality.

22 september 2010

Casino de Monte Gordo....

Monte Gordo, Algarve, 1931, by Luis Cristino da Silva

Villa Astrid....

Särö, 2004, by Wingårdh

21 september 2010


Helsingør, 1957-1958, by Jørn Utzon