13 september 2013

Pearls of Neon....

1967, by Victor Palla....

Joe Labero was not here....

..Rådhuset, Norra Hamngatan....

Rua do Carmo....

..early 1940`s (?) when Lisbon was Europe's escape route

Rua Garrett....

..early 1940`s (?)

12 september 2013

11 september 2013

11 de Setembro de 1973....

Foi aqui que comprei o jornal "República"....e li as más notícias vindas de outro continente.

The magical nights of neon....

..Lisbon during the 1960's was a paradise of neon....

09 september 2013


..still waiting for a new (and better) amusement park....

08 september 2013

Cirkus Maximum....

..the last night of the season.... 

Rua do Carmo....1980`s


07 september 2013

Rua do Carmo....

..and all the disappeared shops

Coronel Tapiocca....

..once at Rua da Prata, 67-69....

06 september 2013


Haga Östergata, 1957, by Erik Uppling and Eric Fylking


foto: M.A.

05 september 2013

Mercado de Picoas....

The contrasts of Lisbon in the early 1970's. The Sheraton Hotel (by Fernando Silva, 1972) still in this photo under construction.

04 september 2013


foto: André Amorim

Gaiola Pombalina....

Anti-seismic structure of timber enclosed in masonry walls, aiming to provide resistance to horizontal forces. Developed after Lisbons devastating earthquake (1755).