27 november 2018

Bo Kaspers Orkester at Scandinavium....

Scandinavium, November 23

It's hard to define Bo Kaspers music due to the many influences ....but when they turn from jazz to electronic, the music becomes special.

Best in show: Utan dig

23 november 2018

João Botelho....

.."the reinforcement of the individual....reinforces the manipulation of individuals"

11 november 2018


Adam Driver and John David Washington

Not much has changed in fifty years time....

09 november 2018

"Hello ! What a nice record store...!"

Bengans in Göteborg....one of the very last in Sweden

05 november 2018

Campo Grande....

..by Keil do Amaral, 1948 photo: Artur Goulart, 1961

03 november 2018

Life on Mars....

Bowie on the road of transition (early 1973) with the creation by Freddie Burretti. Photo by Mick Rock