22 mars 2023

The golden age of Swedish construction....

Nordhemsskolan, 1914-16, by Arvid Bjerke and R-O Swensson

20 mars 2023

Demolition "green" city....Göteborg

Kjellbergska Gymnasiet (a building of excellent quality), 1935, by Ragnar Ossian Swensson

Olof Wijksgatan before the demolition work began

..the same place today 😡

19 mars 2023

The escape route....

..between Lisbon and New York during the II-World War was operated by Pan Am with a Boeing 314 Clipper. The flight time (for the very rich) was around 23 hours (!)

17 mars 2023

Ekebergs marmor....

S:t Lukas kapell, 1968, by Sven Brolid

Marble intarsia....

Axel Dahlströms Torg, 1955, by Endre Nemes

16 mars 2023

Confused Göteborg....

..blind city "planners" and architects are a plague. 

Zombie city....

Husargatan, Göteborg

City "planning" from the 1980`s. What was the purpose of placing the "backside" of the buildings towards the street...?

15 mars 2023

14 mars 2023

"Girls in the windows"....

New York, 1960, by Ormond Gigli

11 mars 2023

In terms of color and nuances....

..our present time is just boring.

08 mars 2023

01 mars 2023