24 mars 2017

Quinta dos Azulejos....

photo: Global Images (click to enlarge)

23 mars 2017

20th Century Women....

Greta Gerwig, Elle Fanning, and Annette Bening in Santa Barbara

Life is as unpredictable as the next decade, and that´s the nice thing about "our" story. Liberating to see an aging movie star without traces of plastic surgery. Elle Fanning (?) ....a star on the rise ! A very good independent film by Mike Mills.

18 mars 2017

Hjortens Udde....


17 mars 2017

13 mars 2017

12 mars 2017

Göteborgs Konserthus....

1935, by Nils-Einar Eriksson

10 mars 2017


Elle Marja (Lene Cecilia Sparrok) stuck between two worlds, and steady like a mountain.

Racism always has a history....especially when elevated to science with state participation. Very dark clouds in Sweden's history and the best film from these latitudes for some years. Directed by Amanda Kernell.

Power Station....

07 mars 2017

Galeria UP....

Lisboa, 1933, by Jorge Segurado (disappeared)

Wonder what the young woman at the door was thinking ...?

06 mars 2017

A Rampa....

Lisboa, 1956, by Conceição Silva (disappeared)

03 mars 2017

02 mars 2017


33 Earlham Street (excellent coffee)

27 februari 2017

Chelsea Fire Station....

..50 years later with some changes in color and shape.

24 februari 2017

Tate Modern....

Elvis Costello at Konserthuset....

Konserthuset, Februari 23, 2017   photo: GP

I remember Costello from the early 1980's. Never really understood his music, and always had the perception that the music and the singing, sometimes, went separate ways ? Anyway....after a bit more than two hours alone on the stage, you have to surrender to this great performer. I was far from understanding all his lyrics, but I had the feeling that he meant what he was singing....(his very deep-British sense of humor, not to forget).

Best in show: Watching the Detectives (and the TV-screen)


20 februari 2017

Colours of Chelsea....

..Bywater Street

19 februari 2017

Sérgio Godinho no Roy....

Gotemburgo, 18 de Fevereiro de 2017

Tantas décadas e vai seguindo sem namoricos comerciais ! Depois de quase 32 anos, muito prazer....e até à próxima.

Mount Street....

Camden modern....

18 februari 2017

15 februari 2017

13 februari 2017

12 februari 2017

10 februari 2017

09 februari 2017


..quite boring these days (closed February 5, 2019), However it seems that the shop will reopen by the end of 2023 and replace an American candy (!) shop....that is good news for London (and public health). 😊

08 februari 2017

22 januari 2017

21 januari 2017

19 januari 2017

I, Daniel Blake....

Hayley Squires (Katie) and Dave Johns (Daniel) experience a storm of humiliation

The "welfare state" is playing catch-22 with its most vulnerable citizens. It is not difficult to find the winner of the game. I heard Ken Loach has retired - who will in the future have the guts to wash England's dirty laundry ?

16 januari 2017

Manchester by the Sea....

Michelle Williams and Casey Affleck (Golden Globe)

When life takes you to the land of sorrow....with no return. A very sad story directed by Kenneth Lonergan.

14 januari 2017


photo: C. Amorim


Une histoire banale....mais madame Huppert (Golden Globe) c'est toujours phénoménal.

08 januari 2017

Toni Erdmann....

Peter Simonischek and Sandra Hüller 

Maybe by stepping out of the role, one may find the absurdity of the play ? A film directed by a young woman....a lovely piece of work by Maren Ade and the two above.

06 januari 2017


"empty pages are a bigger opportunity"

The preference of describing the world, rather than understanding it. A very good film by Jim Jarmusch....

03 januari 2017

01 januari 2017

Praia de Carcavelos....

(ckick to enlarge)

..this is the place for the first swim of the year.