28 februari 2023

26 februari 2023

Thunder Road....

when life determines the direction....you are on your way to a crash

15 februari 2023


..JA, Special Edition 2023

14 februari 2023

12 februari 2023

05 februari 2023

04 februari 2023

03 februari 2023

01 februari 2023

30 januari 2023

Destinations for a time machine....

3 Savile Row, 30 January 1969.....The Beatles' final live performance

10 januari 2023

The five steps of the Portuguese methodology for the destruction of built heritage....

Palacete at Praça Duque de Saldanha, 1908, by José Luís Monteiro (photo: João Carvalho)

.."abandoned" for some decades

..step 2

..the practice of step 3 at Praça Duque de Saldanha

1 - The absence of maintenance for some decades.

2 - After the last tenant leaves the building, the main door should be closed with an iron chain with a padlock. This may seem like a peculiar measure, but it sends the message that the building is beyond salvation.

3 - The opening of some windows to accelerate the process of decay.

4 - Now is time for the removal of some tiles from the roof in order to accelerate the infiltration of water.

5 - Finally, if steps 1, 3 and 4 are insufficient or slow, there is always the possibility of a “spontaneous combustion”.
This methodology has been applied with plenty of success for some decades with the passive cooperation and understanding by the (in)competent Portuguese authorities.

Some photos stolen from MAGG


08 januari 2023

03 januari 2023

Sol & Vår....

..at Haga Nygata

01 januari 2023

Praia de Carcavelos....

(click to enlarge)

31 december 2022

30 december 2022

23 december 2022

Rua Garrett....


21 december 2022

13 december 2022

Desert Whisper....

Namibia, 2019, by Sven Staby

12 december 2022

Wood and cork....

 2019 by OpenBook

10 december 2022

08 december 2022

07 december 2022

Cork floor....

Here in a public space and with almost 40 years in use. 

05 december 2022

Rua da Prata....2022

It was once a thriving commercial street for Lisbon's residents. With the emergence of vast shopping centers in the 80's and 90's, traditional commerce in the city center went into free fall... and it seems that it still hasn't hit bottom. Only at Rua da Prata could I count 28 definitely closed shops. In the parallel street, Rua do Ouro, there were 22 closed shops.

03 december 2022


..Praça do Chile

01 december 2022